Who Else Wants to Create a Profitable Forex Strategy By Simply Understanding Market Manipulation?
If you'd like to build a profit-producing strategy or even use one we have created for you, then this is the most important message you'll ever read.
Dear Forexian,

Let's skip the long intro and cut straight to the chase.

You've seen how our trading techniques can transform anyones perspective and give them a major edge in the Forex market.

And if you've paid attention to my YouTube channel and Instagram stories then you've seen that everyone is going nuts about this right now ...cramming my inbox and comments with questions under every video ...and desperately trying to learn more about our reverse price action methodology.

"I finally started making withdrawals"
Those were the modest words of a South African student who had finally found his edge.

Right above the message was a video testimonial of him thanking us for blessing him with a new perspective of the market.

If someone would have sent me that exact same video a few years ago, I wouldn't have believed my eyes.

But now screenshots and testimonials like this one are something I receive almost on a daily basis, and seeing someone be able to quit their job and live off their own strategy doesn't seem so out of the ordinary anymore.

I mean, it blows my mind to see what's possible.

A different student of mine from South Africa quit his job and said:

"I get to eat because of Forexia"
"$10 a day, it isn't much in the USA, but I get to eat with $10 a day and I attribute that to Dylan Forexia."

Would you be happy knowing that you no longer have to go to a job you hate just to put food on the table? 

I vividly remember the day I was able to quit my job as a bartender at a greasy bowling alley.

This was one of the happiest days of my life. 

Sure, I wasn't making that much money, but it was enough to get by at the time. I was humbled and blessed with an understanding of the markets that I knew could feed me for the rest of my life. 

I remember the joy I had upon realizing that I had acquired a skill that would stay with me for the rest of my life. 

Even more impressive are the results a student of mine, Jerrin. 

Who can be seen below celebrating his 25th birthday with a few fat stacks of cash in his hands.

Last summer he made...

After failing for years and testing different methods, this dude hit a massive "gold mine" as you can see from the photo above.

And by the way, he made all of that money using our strategy.
The bottom line is:
Reverse Price Action Is 
Transforming Traders Lives
All Around The World
These are just three out of hundreds of case studies.

I literally get around 5-10 people per day sending me messages of how our trading techniques and strategies have completely changed the way they see the markets.

Don't believe me?
As I said, I get a couple of these a day.

Now does that mean you will get the same results?

That depends.
The Disclaimer That Couldn't Be Any Plainer
Becoming successful at trading is a combination of different factors including hard work, skills, talent, intelligence and a bit of luck.

A lot of people get insane results with reverse price action, but others don't.

I believe that's the case with anything in life. 

Unfortunately, I think this is due to the fact that most people don't put in the amount of work that's required to get results. Or they simply give up too early at the slightest hint of adversity or hardship.

All of my successful students have one thing in common:

They work hard.

I don't want to insult your intelligence by making any claims or promising what type of results you can get with reverse price action. Like with everything in life, individual results vary. And how much money you can make with this program depends on how hard you work.

The sky is the limit, but if you're lazy, nothing will happen.

Now that's out of the way,

Here's What I Can Guarantee
This is my best program so far. Hands down.

I'm giving you the best information — and all information — to start a successful trading career.

I won't hold back anything in the program.

Every single secret, every technique, every strategy that has worked for me or for one of my students is revealed and explained in detail so you can easily model it.

I honestly believe this is the best information you will find anywhere about market manipulation and how you can profit from it. 

It is 100% up to date, fresh and extremely in-depth. 

It's not a bunch of abstract theory, but rather a "blueprint" on how to master market manipulation from scratch with detailed instructions along every step of the process.

I believe if any program is going to help you make money, it's this one.

Although many people got great results from my beginners courses, books and free YouTube videos.. I wanted to step it up this year and blow everyone's mind by creating something extraordinary.

So I've decided to draw the curtains and reveal EVERYTHING.

Exactly What You're Getting
Every day I get people asking me if I can mentor them to become profitable traders.

And in the last couple of months I had to turn down every single one due to my time constraints.

I simply don't have time to help every person individually since I have many different businesses that also consume much of my time.

And I could care less about launching this program.

I'm making plenty on my many investments and other business ventures I partake in. I don't need to teach this stuff to make money, but I'm willing to make time for it to help you develop a solid trading strategy.

I've decided to put an end to this flood of daily questions by hosting this market manipulation mastery program for everyone who wants.

That way everyone who's truly interested in building an insanely profitable strategy using market manipulation tactics can do exactly that, in a few months or less taking a massive shortcut, without getting your bank account sucked dry.

And at the same time I can scare everyone away who's not serious enough about their trading career.

So I'm solving two problems at the same time.

Now you might be wondering exactly what you're getting:
Introduction to Market Manipulation
Module #1
  • Instant Access to Forexia Market Manipulation Mastery Program Chatroom
  • Lifetime Access to Reverse Price Action Course
  • Section #1 - Intro to Market Manipulation Video Lessons
  • Section #2 - Reverse Price Action Video Lessons
  • Section #3 - Days of Major Volatility Video Lessons
  • Section #4 - Building & Backtesting Video Lessons
  • Section #5 - Examples Using Real Data Video Lessons
  • 25+ Total Individual Lessons Of This Course
...Once you have established an understanding of market manipulation and reverse price action...
We introduce you to the concepts used in market manipulation and reverse price action.. 
Module #2
Reverse Price Action Concepts
  • Professionally guided by the Day-to-Day Program Blueprint
  • Overview of My Favorite Reverse Price Action Concepts
  • How To Quickly Find Reverse Price Action Setups With ZERO Indicators
  • How to Backtest Reverse Price Action Patterns & Concepts
  • How To Find Reverse Price Action Patterns That Are Worth Trading (Trade Filtering)
  • Trading Affirmations Recordings by Professional Coach
  • Subliminal Hypnosis Recording to Become A Professional Trader
  • Accepting Losses Guided Hypnosis Recording by Professional Hypnotherapist
  • Professional Guided Meditation Trading Recording 
...Then I reveal to you my entire #SignatureTrade Strategy...
This is my #1 trading strategy which I have been using throughout my entire career...
Module #3
The Forexia #SignatureTrade
  • FULL Unlimited Access to ENTIRE #SignatureTrade Course & Bonus #STC Materials
  • Section #1 - Intro to our #SignatureTrade Video Lessons
  • Section #2 - Correct #ST Timing Video Lessons
  • Section #3 - #ST Confirmation Video Lessons
  • Section #4 - #SignatureTrade Fractals Video Lessons
  • Section #5 - Examples of our #SignatureTrade Video Lessons
  • Section #6 - Additional Bonus Video Lessons
  • Total of Over 15 In-Depth Video Lessons
...Once you understand our #SignatureTrade...
We give you the time and tools needed to master it..
Module #4
#SignatureTrade Mastery 
  • Step-by-Step #SignatureTrade Mastery Period
  • Learn to Identify The Most Powerful #SignatureTrade Setups
  • How to Use Micro & Macro Timeframe Confluences to Give Multiple Confirmations 
  • Perfecting The Exact Entry & Exit Methods 
  • Determine Which Days Are Most Likely to Present A #SignatureTrade Setup
  • Overview & Backtest Different Timeframes and Pairs
  • How to Identify Highest Probability #SignatureTrade Setups with Little Risk and Massive Rewards
...Then we use reverse price action concepts we learned in the first and second module to help you develop your own trading strategy... 
Based on your own personality and especially adapted to your style...
Module #5
Developing your own #SignatureTrade using Reverse Price Action Concepts
  • FULL Unlimited Access to The Reverse Price Action Strategy Creation Course
  • Section #1 - Personality Testing Phase Video Lessons
  • Section #2 - Finding What Works For You Video Lessons
  • Section #3 - Backtesting Your New Strategy Video Lessons
  • Section #4 - Real Testing Your New Strategy Video Lessons
  • Over 13 Perfected Video Lessons on Strategy Development
...And finally we give you the time needed to perfect your own strategy and master your edge...
Module #6
Perfecting Your Strategy and Mastering the Art of Market Manipulation
  • A Step-By-Step Guide to Perfecting Your New Strategy
  • How to Test Your Strategy LIVE Without Breaking The Bank
  • Tools That Have Helped My Past Students Perfect Their Strategies Over Time
  • Time For Backtesting & New Strategy Refining Phase
  • Multiple LIVE Zoom Sessions with Dylan + Access to Recordings
  • Risk Management & Mindset Bootcamp Sessions
You're right, that's a lot of material to help you create, refine and scale your trading strategy.

And it's different from anything else you've seen before.

Unlike other trainings or courses, this is a complete step-by-step training that covers every single aspect market manipulation. I reveal every single secret, every technique and every strategy that works for me and for all my students.

But it gets even better than that...

I'm Also Giving You 4 FREE Bonuses Worth $4,499 If You Join My Market Manipulation Mastery Program
If you know anything about me, then you know that I always over-deliver. I actually care about the results that my students get and that's why I'll go the extra mile for you.

To make sure you get results from this, I'm giving you 4 FREE bonuses worth $4,499.

Here's what I've got for you:
FULL #SignatureTrade Course
(Value: $2,500)
  • FULL Unlimited Access to ENTIRE #SignatureTrade Course & Bonus #STC Materials
  • Section #1 - Intro to our #SignatureTrade Video Lessons
  • Section #2 - Correct #ST Timing Video Lessons
  • Section #3 - #ST Confirmation Video Lessons
  • Section #4 - #SignatureTrade Fractals Video Lessons
  • Section #5 - Examples of our #SignatureTrade Video Lessons
  • Section #6 - Additional Bonus Video Lessons
  • Total of Over 15 In-Depth Video Lessons
...Plus You'll Get An Entire Blueprint To Follow Along Step by Step...
The "Beginners Guide to Market Manipulation" eBook by Dylan Shilts
(Value: $550)
...Plus You'll Get Access To Our VIP Group Chat..
 As An Absolutely Free Bonus As Well...
Market Manipulation Masters VIP Group Chat
(Value: $450)
  • We Stay In Constant Communication In A Secret Market Manipulation Mastery Group Chatroom
  • Intimate Limited Member PRIVATE Chatroom For Serious Traders
  • Mastermind & Share Your Analysis With Other Traders That Also Understand Market Manipulation 
...And Finally You Will Get Unlimited Access To Our Guided Meditation Recording Created For Traders...
Guided Meditation & Hypnosis Recordings
(Value: $999)
  • Voice Recordings Created For Traders By Professional Hypnotherapist
  • Trading Affirmations Guided Meditation
  • Subliminal Hypnosis For Traders "Market Mastery"
  • Guided Hypnosis To Help Overcome & Accept Losses 
  • Trading In The Zone Guided Meditation 
  • Develop Patience & Confidence Guided Meditation

With these FREE bonuses worth over $4,499 you'll be able to shortcut your way to successfully understanding the market ...without wasting your money on unprofitable indicators, without spending time on the wrong courses and without making newbie mistakes.

The way I see it you've already won.

Here's What To Do Next
If you'd like to build your own profitable trading strategy with my simple reverse price action method that works over and over again, you'll have to register for my Market Manipulation Mastery Program asap.

You can join the program for $997 one-time.

And if you don't have the money saved up but would like to join, you can hop on board for just 10 monthly installments of $139.

But the way I see it, this class won't "cost" you anything.

Here's why.

I expect you to make much more than that and I have given you a step-by-step blueprint to make it happen. And if you take action and follow my instructions word by word, there's no reason why you can't make DOUBLE or triple that amount in the first few months or less.

The bottom line is: It's almost impossible not to get a positive ROI from this mastery program unless you screw up big, big, big time.

This program is not an expense, it's an investment. 

If you feel like this is right for you, click here, and sign up for my Market Manipulation Mastery Program and get over $4,499 worth of FREE bonuses.

Here's What Happens After That
As soon as you've signed up for my Market Manipulation Mastery Program, you'll be added to the private group mastermind.

You'll also receive instant to access the trainings and materials.

And of course, you'll get the $4,499 worth of FREE bonuses and other resources that help you get started with your store ...PLUS I might even have some unannounced secret bonuses for you that will completely blow your mind. 

All I know is, you won't regret having signed up for this ...especially once your can finally say you have your own perfected strategy that makes you a consistent income over time...

But here's the best part:

You'll be plugged into a group of fellow traders, all with the same goals and values as you ...becoming consistent, making more profits and having more fun.

We stay in constant communication in our private Market Manipulation Masters Chatroom where you'll see what strategies work, where we all share our best analysis and help each other until you are the one proudly sharing your success story with the group.

Here's how the program breaks down: In every module you get a new training where I show you step by step what you have to do and why, with real-life examples, while you watch over my shoulders.

In total you get access to over 17 hours of video trainings.

But don't worry, it's easy stuff and everything is delivered in small bite-sized chunks.

Now, you and I both know that I'll get a ton of interest from this letter, and that's why you need to read this next part carefully:

In order to provide you with the support you NEED in order to get the results you want, I can only work with a maximum of 10 students at the same time.

I simply don't have the capacity for more.

It's going to be detailed and thorough, plus a highly effective and rewarding program for anyone who's interested. 

The program is starting soon so time is a factor.

Once the timer on this page hits 00:00:00:00 registration will close and the program will start. But it might sell out much earlier because of the extremely limited seats available.

There are 2,539 people on the early-bird notification list.

And there are another 20,000+ people on YouTube and 50,000+ followers on Instagram who will jump on this offer just because I'm opening a new program...

So if you're truly interested in becoming a profitable trader using reverse price action, you have to act asap (right now!) ...before someone else grabs your spot...

Oh - And in case you're wondering.

Spots are granted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Before The Program Sells Out
Yes, I understand that I'm enrolling in Dylan's Market Manipulation Mastery Program
Yes, I understand that I'm getting $4,499 worth of FREE bonuses by enrolling
Yes, I understand that I need to act now to guarantee my spot
Payment Plan
10 payments of $139
Credit Card Number:
CVC Code:
Expiry Month:
Expiry Year:

ONE TIME OFFER: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Aut, quod hic expedita consectetur vitae nulla sint adipisci cupiditate at. Commodi, dolore hic eaque tempora a repudiandae obcaecati deleniti mollitia possimus.

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